Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Bowling Green State University President Mary Ellen Mazey officially opened the new Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation crime lab located on the campus of Bowling Green State University in November 2014.
“Opening this new building with all of its cutting-edge equipment and technology will not only help local law enforcement solve crimes, but also open new possibilities to students who are interested in careers in forensic science and criminal justice,” said Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine.
The nearly 30,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility will be the home to over 40 BCI staff performing investigative and laboratory services.
Laboratory services include: Chemistry; Evidence Receiving; Firearms and Tool Mark Examination; Forensic Biology; Latent Print Analysis and Trace Evidence Analysis.
Investigative services include: Crime Scene Unit; Crimes Against Children Unit; Criminal Intelligence Unit; Narcotics Unit; Special Investigations Unit; and Criminal Polygraph Examination.
“Having a state crime lab on our campus builds upon our strengths in the sciences and criminal justice. It is an amazing resource for our students that will provide unique learning opportunities and experiences,” said Bowling Green State University President Mary Ellen Mazey.